December 15 - December 21.
This week has been wild and crazy. We brought in three new guys into the Post Detox community, and one has had some serious medical issues to speak of, so that he has had to go to the hospital almost every day. On top of the regular chaos, folks are getting really excited about Christmas, and for some people, particularly those on 30-day house restriction, it is a depressing time. We decided to extend visiting hours on Christmas Day, but still, there is nothing like spending Christmas with family.
On Friday, it started snowing. The flakes started falling around 1:30pm, and, as I write now on Saturday morning, they are still coming down - almost 24 hours straight of snowfall! I'm not sure how much has accumulated, but it doesn't look like it's going to stop until around 2pm this afternoon. Friday evening the men and women at the Mission have to be escorted to an outside AA meeting. Typically, they walk a mile with a staff member to a meeting in the North End of Boston, and, since I was the lucky one chosen to escort the group, and since I LOVE the snow, we made the 1 mile trek through the snow and wind to the meeting. The snow coming down was really pretty, and the whole city was slowed down due to the wintry conditions.
Saturday will be my last day at the Mission for a week and a half. I'm flying home to South Carolina on Monday, and at this point, I can't say I'm not ready to go. Every time vacation time draws near, I get really excited to go home and really ready to leave the Mission. This is no different, I just feel like I need a break to recharge my batteries and I am stoked to spend time with my family again. And, today in South Carolina, it's 66 degrees. It's going to get colder next week, but still, it won't be the 14 that it is here today. Hopefully today will run smoothly and I'll be able to walk out of the Mission tonight having finished all of my work until December 31.
Merry Christmas!