Wednesday, May 14, 2008

We're Lost!

On the ride home, I had a brilliant idea.

I decided that every road trip needs a good sign to show to other cars as you drive by.  I was probably too thrilled with my idea, because I couldn't stop laughing long enough to actually write out the sign.  I took one of our Mapquest maps and wrote on the back, "We're Lost!"  I would put it up in the window and make an awful look of confusion and fright.  The girls got a kick out of it, especially since I pulled down the visor mirror to practice my facial expressions before I flashed the sign.

"We're Lost!"

Lindsey doesn't look very convinced.

1 comment:

nic@nite said...

hahahahahahahahahaha, my coworkers must think i'm nuts - cracking up at desk. :)

So true on this! It did take you a while to write that sign. And Lindsey's picture "poses" - so great