Monday, June 2, 2008


I think Massachusetts may be the only place where Spring is forgotten and Summer is launched into in full force.
It's hard to believe it's June already.  It seems like just a few weeks ago it was in the 40's.  Oh wait.  That's because it was.  In my experience in Boston, it seems that the seasons are not exactly in line with the rest of the country.  Here, the weather has jumped directly from wintry mixes to summer scorches.  But hey, it's beautiful, and I love the warm weather.  Bring on the summer time!


Nathan said...

I hate to say this, but my impression is that this has been the best of the six springs I've spent here in Boston. I guess at this point, I'm just happy when it doesn't snow in April.

RDT said...

I completely disagree. A few weeks ago we had NIGHTLY LOWS in the 40s; the daily highs have been in the 50s and 60s for the past month or so. What a BEAUTIFUL SPRING! This has HARDLY been a jump from wintry mixes to summer scorches - stop being melodramatic.

Biz said...

Time to catch up now that its July. I like the Duckboat, though.. :)