Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Today at the Mission...

September 1.  Labor Day.

While the vast majority of folks are enjoying a relaxing holiday and a long weekend, I am sitting at work.  On holidays, the Mission still functions on a regular programming schedule - that's one of the drawbacks of working for an organization that, by it's very nature, requires 24/7 supervision for the folks that it serves.  I can't really complain, because I do get a labor day holiday...just not until Thursday.  
I walked in about 15 minutes early for my shift, and that was after stopping at Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast.  I found out around 7:55am that my colleague wouldn't be arriving until about 8:30am, since the train system in Boston runs on a 'holiday schedule.'  I conducted a joint Morning Goals Group (joint meaning it was co-ed) and then supervised morning chores.  I also dealt out some discipline for some minor infractions at the Goals Group.  
At 10:00am, I facilitated a therapeutic group focusing on honesty, and it ended up being a really productive group.  The community of men in the group really opened up and shared about things they thought they could be honest about in recovery, and things they thought they didn't need to be honest about in recovery.  It's a very interesting dynamic when you hear men, who for most of their lives have survived solely on deceit, begin opening up about the importance of being honest.  At the same time, it's discouraging to hear them talk about not wanting to come clean about absolutely everything, which suggests a desire to continue hiding and not surrender completely to the transforming power of the gospel.  
I did some necessary paperwork after lunch, and spent some time with a homeless friend who stopped by a couple of times, and we just shot the breeze for a while.  

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