Tuesday, August 23, 2011

2 years?!

It's been nearly two years since I updated the blog. A LOT has happened.

November 6, 2010 - I married the woman of my dreams. Jenny and I currently live in a 3rd floor apartment in Jamaica Plain. We chose JP primarily because of the close proximity to Jenny's workplace. We're close to the T, too, so it's easy for me to scoot down to the Mission.

Yes, I'm still there. I'm celebrating my 4th year as a Case Manager, and, although it's been a long and dizzying road, I'm enjoying my work. I'm currently involved in some program development, which is really exciting.

I'm also starting my Master's degree in a few weeks. It was a tough decision, wrought with prayer. I decided, finally, that a Master's degree would enable me to do what I really want to do in terms of providing services to the poor and homeless populations of the city. I am pursuing a Masters in Counseling, which I should complete in about four years. I will remain working full-time at the Mission. Jenny is extremely gracious and understanding. A woman of the Lord, with whom there is no comparison.

There's the update. More to come...

Saturday, December 20, 2008

This Week at the Mission...

December 15 - December 21.

This week has been wild and crazy.  We brought in three new guys into the Post Detox community, and one has had some serious medical issues to speak of, so that he has had to go to the hospital almost every day.  On top of the regular chaos, folks are getting really excited about Christmas, and for some people, particularly those on 30-day house restriction, it is a depressing time.  We decided to extend visiting hours on Christmas Day, but still, there is nothing like spending Christmas with family.  
On Friday, it started snowing.  The flakes started falling around 1:30pm, and, as I write now on Saturday morning, they are still coming down - almost 24 hours straight of snowfall!  I'm not sure how much has accumulated, but it doesn't look like it's going to stop until around 2pm this afternoon.  Friday evening the men and women at the Mission have to be escorted to an outside AA meeting.  Typically, they walk a mile with a staff member to a meeting in the North End of Boston, and, since I was the lucky one chosen to escort the group, and since I LOVE the snow, we made the 1 mile trek through the snow and wind to the meeting.  The snow coming down was really pretty, and the whole city was slowed down due to the wintry conditions.
Saturday will be my last day at the Mission for a week and a half.  I'm flying home to South Carolina on Monday, and at this point, I can't say I'm not ready to go.  Every time vacation time draws near, I get really excited to go home and really ready to leave the Mission.  This is no different, I just feel like I need a break to recharge my batteries and I am stoked to spend time with my family again.  And, today in South Carolina, it's 66 degrees.  It's going to get colder next week, but still, it won't be the 14 that it is here today.  Hopefully today will run smoothly and I'll be able to walk out of the Mission tonight having finished all of my work until December 31.  

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

breaking the cycle...

I wanted to break the cycle of weekly mission updates for a minute to divulge on a more personal topic.  Nothing in particular, the real reason is that I haven't updated in 2 weeks and I can't remember what happened 2 weeks ago at the Mission, much less what happened this past week.  But as I listen to a concert played by John Mayer [entitled "John Mayer - On His Own"] that he played on December 6, and as he covers Tom Petty, and as he sings about falling out into nothing, I just feel the urge to write something.  [The great thing is that you can listen to the entire concert online!]  I think I've done my civic duty now by providing the world with the link to this concert.  John Mayer is great live.  Phenomenal, even.  If you're a Johnny fan, you should also check out the video of him and B.B. King singing "Let the Good Times Roll."
I really love Christmas.  I found these commercials the other day on Gap.com, and if you haven't seen these, I definitely suggest checking these out.
If you haven't figured it out yet, this post has evolved into a video-link extravaganza.  I hope you enjoy, and Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 1, 2008

This Week at the Mission...

November 24 - November 30.

Another short week at the Mission, I only worked for three days prior to the Thanksgiving holiday.  One of our senior residents - and one of my best friends - relapsed on Monday, the 24th, and it was hard to watch him go out again.  This is the third time I've seen this guy go through our program, and it's always tough to see him turn back to the drugs.  
We also said goodbye to two more senior residents on Friday and Saturday, and it rings true that the holidays prove to be a tough time for men and women struggling with substance abuse.  The community seems to be rallying together, though, striving for a collective recovery experience and continuing to fight for one another's sobriety.  It is always sobering for our community members to watch senior residents return to the drink or the drug, and I am praying that our community becomes stronger as a result. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

This Week at the Mission...

November 17 - November 23.

This week was defined by hard work, from clients all the way up to our president, getting ready for our annual Day of Thanks Celebration.  This is the 16th year the Mission has celebrated the Day of Thanks, and it was a wonderful event.  Mayor Menino, Governor Patrick, Jo Jo White (of the '76 Celtics Championship Team) and others helped us celebrate the occasion, and the Mission was able to provide more than 100 food baskets to families in need, in addition to serving more than 300 thanksgiving meals to the public.  While chaotic, the Day of Thanks always proves to be an exciting time as the Mission gets to serve the community and witness the gospel going forth through word and deed.

Check out the NECN news broadcast!

Photos from the Day of Thanks: